Our Story
connect engage flourish
At Malvern Springs Primary School our aim is for every child to love coming to school each day. We make sure students achieve success at school and have fun at the same time. Our staff are caring and highly skilled, giving each child necessary individual attention. We respect and value our parents; and recognise parents as the first teachers.

Principal's welcome
Welcome to Malvern Springs Primary School, an Independent Public School, which opened on 1 February 2012. We cater for children from Kindergarten to Year 6. Everyone at Malvern Springs Primary School works to ensure all children are happy, have fun, feel safe and achieve success at school. We strive for the highest standards in all aspects of school life so that children thrive. Teachers are hard-working, flexible, capable and focus on the care of each child, making sure every child’s individual needs are catered for.
The school uses explicit teaching approaches, especially in English and Mathematics. The best evidence we have about student learning tells us that students are most likely to succeed when explicit teaching is used.
We are proud of our school in this recently established, multicultural community where we foster positive relationships with parents and local community groups.
The principles which guide what we do are:
Everyone has high expectations
Effective teaching
Student and staff well being
Parental and community involvement
Whole school approaches
Our school has state of the art facilities including a well-equipped Music Room, a comprehensive Art Centre, a modern Library, a covered Assembly and Physical Education area and well-designed classrooms. We also have the extensive provision for the development and effective use of Information and Communication Technology.
We look forward to establishing a long and productive relationship with each family so that we can work together to achieve the very best outcomes for all children.
Malvern Springs Primary School is in the North Education Metropolitan Region and is located in the north eastern section of Ellenbrook.
Penelope Reynolds
connect engage flourish
Malvern Springs Primary School has high expectations for all students, their families and school staff. We are committed to equity and believe in all children’s capacity to succeed. Children are provided challenging experiences which foster high-level thinking skills to connect, engage and flourish.